Wednesday, February 12, 2020

WE WON! Bernie Sanders is the winner of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. This photo is me shaking Bernie's hand as I said "we did it Bernie." He replied with a prideful "YES". Knocking doors, making calls, and meeting those who make up the movement makes the victory even more rewarding.

Dr. Cornel West also stopped by the Manchester Field Office to speak to volunteers and he signed my book! "To Bro' Trevor Love, Cornel West".

After The Strokes rally I had the opportunity to meet the world-renowned intellectual, Dr. Cornel West. He was one of the kindest people I have ever met, as he treated all volunteers with respect and humility.

Bernie rally with The Strokes! What a lively event! I have never been more inspired by the movement that is lead by Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nina Turner, and Dr. Cornel West. Nina Turner's speech gave me chills. She has a future in leading the left!

Breakfast with Bernie! I was given the opportunity to sit behind Bernie as he spoke to Granite staters. This was one of the many experiences I will never forget!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Bernie Sanders' Senior Policy Advisor Warren Gunnels! He has worked for Senator Sanders for 20 years, and has aided him in formulating his policy platform.

I met a great snowman while canvassing!

Canvassed for Bernie Sanders! I knocked 50 doors today.

2020 McIntyre-Shaheen Dinner! Was able to see all of the candidates, including Mr. Bernard Sanders once again!

Debate vis. I had never been so cold in my entire life.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

So many volunteers ready to help Bernie win New Hampshire! Grassroots organization is a necessity!

We attended a debate watch party with Michael Moore and Nina Turner! Two fantastic Bernie surrogates.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Retrieved this iconic photo with Tom Steyer. I respect his passion for the environment! Hopefully I will be able to meet Warren soon!

Yang Gang! Andrew Yang is such a nice individual, who was receptive to the crowd. Though I am not working on his campaign, I was happy to meet him! MATH

I was able to see Amy Klobuchar as well. It was interesting to see her outperform expectations in Iowa!

The group with Bernie's Campaign Manager, Faiz Shakir! An unbelievably talented man, running a phenomenal grassroots campaign!

A selfie with the man, the myth, the legend, Bernie Sanders! I was truly inspired to enter the political realm trough the political movement Bernie Sanders started. I am grateful that Dr. McLauchlan gave us the opportunity to watch him speak! In the future, when we are a thriving social democracy, I will be able to say I saw the man who started it all!

I was given the opportunity to attend my first Bernie Sanders rally! I volunteered to pass out signs and set up the event. Pictured above is another volunteer and I!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Found a Bernie-mobile after finishing up work at the Manchester HQ!

The Bernie staffers gave us "New Hampshire for Bernie" t-shirts for our hard work. These are great souvenirs to bring back to Florida. Hopefully we will continue to receive apparel!

"Birdie" was in the building! The murals in the field offices were breathtaking!

The first discussion we had at the Bernie Sanders field office was about our "Bernie story". This was an emotionally-driven conversation that developed a mutual understanding among all of the Bernie volunteers. We understood we are all individuals with "Bernie stories", which is why we are determined more than ever to help him receive the Democratic nomination.

Boston, Massachusetts as we drove to our hotel last night.
Today is our first day working on our respective campaigns! Yesterday was exhausting, but I expect to be even more exhausted today. If not, I did not work hard enough. I am excited to begin my work to help get Senator Bernard Sanders elected!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

We are leaving for New Hampshire tomorrow! I will be recording my experiences during this trip, as well as update my blog with photos and thoughts throughout!

WE WON! Bernie Sanders is the winner of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. This photo is me shaking Bernie's hand as I said "...